#Hope · Uncategorized

What is stopping you?

soulful test


I have never been spontaneous. Actually, if I were to describe myself I would definitely use the term “avid overthinker” lol. I would replay the possible scenario in my head a million times before deciding not to participate in whatever it was that I wanted to experience in the first place.

Why do we do that? Overthink? Worry? Doubt ourselves? Has it solved any of the issues that you were having? In my experience it only made whatever situation I was going through worse because I have caused myself to panic several times over scenarios that only took place in my head.

I applaud my brain for the creative thoughts but now I have decided to take control and steer my thoughts in a positive direction. I have made a check list to help me keep on track.

Check List

1. Pray

I’m taking a moment to dedicate all my plans to God. I pray he goes before me and make my crooked paths straight.

2. Chin Up

Classic case of fake it ’til I make it. I understand that my current situation is not my final destination and so I will keep my head and my hopes up.

3. Back Straight

What is the point of walking around looking defeated? Didn’t you hear that God already got the victory? Pray about whatever it is that is bothering you and allow God to take care of it for you.

4. Take a deep breath

Did you know deep breaths aid in the reduction of stress and promotes better blood flow? Now, go ahead. Take a deep breath!

5. Exhale 

Release those fears you have been holding on to. Release that negative energy. Release everything that weighs down your soul.

6. Smile

Be happy. This is the start of something new and in my opinion, everything is easier when you are happy.

7. Take the first step in faith

2 Corinthians 5:7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” No one knows what tomorrow may bring. You have already dedicated your plans to God, now trust that he will make everything work together for your good.

8. Walk with confidence

Hebrews 13:5 “…I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” God is always with you there is no need to be afraid.

9. Be Bold, Be confident and Stop doubting yourself

There will be moments that you may be unsure of yourself…

There will be trials, detours and even road blocks…

Keep going anyway! God will always make a way for you.

10. Live your truth with purpose, unapologetically.

Your soul is rooting for you and so am I 🙂


I pray this helps us both to break up with our comfort zone and experience more of the joys of life that exist outside our zone of familiarity.

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